Friday, 19 April 2024

Mrs Wishy-Washy

Mrs Wishy-Washy

In Nursery we were surprised to come in and find some muddy footprints in the classroom!  It was the hook to get us excited about our new story, Mrs Wishy Washy by Jo Cowley.

We have enjoyed listening to and sharing the story.  She is a farmer and has cows, pigs and ducks on her farm.  The animals wake up after a rainy weekend and find a muddy puddle.  Mrs Wishy Washy gets a shock at seeing the muddy animals and puts them into the tub for a wash.  After she goes back into the house the animals see "the lovely mud" again.  

To explore the story further we have moved like different animals, waddling like a duck, stomping like a cow, wallowing like pigs, jumping like a frog.  We also enjoyed acting out the story and cleaning up the mud we discovered in the classroom!

Enjoy our photos....

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