Friday, 14 February 2025

Well-Being Workshop

 Well-Being Workshop

Today we had a fun Well-Being workshop in Nursery with a visitor to school, Doug.  

We learnt how being active makes our breathing faster, our heart beats faster and this helps us to feel good.  

We talked about always trying our best.  Even when we try our best we might not win or be the best at something, but that is ok!

We will try to remember our chant "My best is enough.  I will try my best!"

Here are a few photos of us being active and having a lot of fun while trying our best!

Number Day 2025

 Number Day in Nursery 2025

We had a great time last Friday celebrating Number Day.  We played with number games and puzzles, made number books, hats and badges and explored a range of number toys.  We heard a new number song too.

Children came "dressed as digits" and brought £1 to raise money for the charity, NSPCC.

Enjoy looking at our costumes.  What numbers can you see?