Friday, 28 January 2022

Bird watching and Outdoor Learning Fun!

Bird Watching and Outdoor Learning Fun!

In Nursery this half term we have really enjoyed learning about the birds we can see around us.  We are now able to identify the following birds: 

  • Blackbirds
  • Robins
  • Crows
  • Pigeons
  • Magpies.  
We have enjoyed using binoculars and making our own from cardboard tubes.  We have been using clipboards and checking off the birds we can see.  

This week Morning and All Day Nursery children enjoyed making kebabs for the birds using cheese, apple and sultanas, threaded onto a wire.  The children worked very well together and were able to take turns and support each other.  The teachers were very proud of how well the children persevered and worked together!

We also had fun on Friday making and using a rope pulley.  We used our upper arm muscles to pull up and lower the bucket.  It was good to practise waiting for our turn too!

Some children used the things they could find outside to make up their own games and stories.  Some girls children were making a home for "Eggy".  I wonder if he will hatch soon?!