Autumn Term in Nursery
We have had a fun and busy half term settling into Nursery. We have been learning about school routines and activities and enjoying exploring our new indoor and outdoor classrooms.
Enjoy looking at these photographs showing some of the fun we have had this half term.
Exploring with water and boats on the ramps
Talking on the phone in the mud kitchen
Reading and sharing books
Making ramps and platforms to balance along
Exploring puddles is fun
We go outside in all types of weather!! Wellie boots are a must!
We have learnt about sharing this half term.
Moving like different animals in PE lessons. We have also been learning to be independent when taking our shoes and socks off!
Making 'porridge' in the mud kitchen for the Three Bears and Goldilocks
Outside mark-making
Small world play-Who can score a goal?
Music fun
Using pegs to develop muscles in our hands
We have learnt many new songs this term
We enjoy searching under logs for insects and other mini-beasts!
Windy day fun!