Friday, 19 March 2021

Planting potatoes

 We have planted some seed potatoes this week in Nursery.  
Check back to see how they grow.  We are looking forward to eating the potatoes we grow later in the year!

Filling the growbag with soil was good fun! 

Science Week

This week in Nursery we have enjoyed science week.  We listened to some stories and tried out some fun experiments and investigations.  

Here we are making rocket mice from paper and using bottles to launch them.

We made a maze on a paper plate and used a magnet to guide a paper clip around!

We changed the colour of water using red cabbage.  It turned the water to a purple colour.  We changed the colour again using simple kitchen ingredients such as bicarbonate of soda, vinegar and lemon juice.

We also explored floating and sinking and had fun planting potatoes too!