Thursday 10 October 2024

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

We have had lots of fun over the past two weeks learning the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  We started with a walk in the outdoor area and found some clues about the story....

Three Bears....Daddy, Mummy and Baby Bear

Three Bowls.....a big bowl, a medium bowl and a small bowl.  The small bowl was empty!!

Three chairs.....the small one was broken.

Three beds.....the small bed had someone sleeping in it.  Her name was Goldilocks.

Here we are, looking for clues to the story.

Other fun learning we had:

Maths: Learning about sizes and matching objects by size

Expressive Arts and Design: Making bear puppets and printing to make a picture of Goldilocks

Literacy/Communication and Language: We learnt to join
 in with retelling of the story using words and actions.  We acted out the story using different voices.  We drew our favourite characters.

We also tasted porridge!

Friday 12 July 2024

Morning Sports Day in Nursery

Children and parents had a lot of fun during our Nursery Sports day this year.  Have fun looking out for yourself in the photos.  What was your favourite race?  Was it the egg and spoon, beanbag race or the water race?  Or did you enjoy posting the letters?